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cutting plan中文是什么意思

用"cutting plan"造句"cutting plan"怎么读"cutting plan" in a sentence


  • 采伐计划
  • 排板图


  • Study on the digitalization of filing custom - made garments ' types and cutting plan
  • Yesterday unions in france , locked in a battle over labour reforms , were already denouncing the job cut plans
  • President will make his case1 for his 1 . 6 trillion2 tax cut plan delivering a speech at a community center in st . louis
    布什总统将在圣路易斯社区中心发表讲话,阐明他的减税1 . 6万亿美元的计划。
  • If china decides to enter the fray , a clear - cut plan could require months of discussions at the highest level of its government
  • The company already is in the process of eliminating 3 , 500 jobs as part of a two - year cost - cutting plan to save $ 400 million
    其实公司正在实施今年1月份宣布的3 , 500个工作岗位的裁减,这是公司为其两年旨在节约4亿美金的计划的一部分。
  • In the model , cutting plan can be adjusted according to actual cutting length , and cutting length can be optimized according to abnormal events to reduce waste to a minimum and improve product quality
  • The panel passed two motions which , respectively , requested the government not to reduce the basic expenditure for social welfare in 2005 - 2006 , and requested the government to abort any cost - cutting plan from 2006 - 2007 to 2008 - 2009 , as well as extending the tide - over grant , so as to ensure the quality of social welfare services and meet the needs of the public for such services
    事务委员会通过两项议案,分别是要求政府05 - 06年度的社会福利基本开支不作任何削减,以及要求政府搁置06 - 09年度任何削资计划,并延长"过渡性补贴" ,以确保社会福利服务的质素及能回应市民对社会福利服务的需求。
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